Tweet Star: Turning Tweets into Puzzles
Basics Tweet Star is a twitter based word puzzle game for iOS developed by C lick Hehe . The player is given a scrambled tweet and must rearrange the words in the correct order. There are certain rules that make sure the tweets are worthy for the game and rules that aid the player in unscrambling. For example, the beginning of the tweet is static, this gives the player a consistent place to start. The tweet must be grammatically correct and then is divided up into a certain amount of bubbles which can contain multiple words. These bubbles are then what the player unscrambles. Simple Machine did a blog post about the design process and iteration of the tweet mechanic. That can be found at The Making of Tweet Star and will go deeper into that mechanic. Where that post is a peek from the inside of Simple Machine, I hope to give an analysis of the game design from the outside. Tweets Let’s start off at the beginning and just appreciate the uniqueness...